By Valerie Mann on June 26, 2019
Category: Industry News

Stress Reduction Tactics Every Nurse Should Try

ARN is partnering with Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation. Start preparing now to participate in Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation to lead into lots of fun activities at the ARN annual conference, REACH 2019!

You spend so much time caring for others that you put yourself last. Your mind and body deserve some me-time.

Patient care is only as good as the care you give yourself. And as the saying goes, the more you fill up your own cup, the more you can pour into the cups of others.

That's the message Alison Hernandez, PhD, RN-BC, has for all nurses, but especially those who are stressed out (which may be the majority)!

As many as 92% of nurses report moderate-to-very-high stress levels, according to a 2018 study. Among the study participants, 78% got fewer than 8 hours of sleep per night and 69% reported not exercising regularly. Those who reported high stress had the worst health outcomes and the highest health risk behaviors.

Nurses: It's time to do a better job of taking care of ourselves.

Find What Works for You, and Do More of It
In our society, the word stress comes with a negative connotation. But Hernandez points out that stress is an adaptive mechanism, and our bodies are almost always in a constant state of adapting. That's not necessarily bad.

"Staying in prolonged bouts of stress is what wreaks havoc on our bodies and minds," says Hernandez. "That leads to depression, anxiety, and other health changes — all under-talked-about issues in the nursing profession. Prolonged stress also generates an immune response, that can lead to inflammation, which can worsen chronic health conditions. Chronic stress can predispose us to engage in behaviors that lead to weight gain, physical inactivity, and loss of sleep — which are harder to remedy once they set in."

It's crucial to find stress reduction tactics that eliminate prolonged, high stress levels. Not sure what that could be for you? It's anything that helps you unwind and connects you back to what brings you joy.

The Tried-and-True Stress Reliever: Exercise
There's a reason exercise is always mentioned in stress reduction articles: It works. Purposeful exercise or leisure physical activities (like gardening, walking your dog, etc.) will help get your heart rate up and endorphins flowing. Both are linked to physiological, stress-reducing benefits.

The problem: Many nurses argue that after a 12-hour shift on their feet, they have no energy left to exercise.

"That's perfectly understandable," says Hernandez. "But once you're feeling rested, incorporate some movement on your days off, even in small ways. Exercise does not have to be running a marathon, it can be cleaning your house. The endorphin-boost will help offset the stress from your work shifts and improve your mood and sleep."

There are so many different ways to exercise, and each person has their own preferences. Hernandez shared her recommendations:

"Breath is so innate to our existence," says Hernandez on conscious breathing techniques. "When we start to get anxious, the first thing that changes is our breath. We see that when our patients are in pain. That's when you want to tap into the power of deep breathing. Inhale for 4 counts, then let out for 4-3-2-1. Repeat for one minute."

When You Snooze, You Win

"Getting enough sleep is as important as the air we breathe," said Hernandez. "Sleep renovates and restores our bodies, and gives our brain the recharge needed to tackle our work efficiently."

Chronic stress can dirupt your sleep and affect how you feel at work. Build a healthy sleep routine by taking a warm bath before, and turning of your phone and TV at least one hour before sleep. Make sure you get 7 to 8 hours of rest every night.

Trust Your Gut
Chronic stress leads to both over and undereating behaviors. When we're stressed out, we tend to reach for highly-processed carbohydrate-heavy foods because our bodies are asking for quick energy. But our gut is a reservoir for feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin that get diminished with processed foods. Eating whole-foods (like veggies, protein, good fats) can help buffer stress from the inside out.

The Power of the Mind: Positive Psychology
You can't control everything that happens during your nursing shift. Research from Judy Moskowitz, PhD, shows you can take control of your thoughts and reactions and instantly reduce your stress. Here are a few ways to start:

High stress levels affect quality of life and can lead to burnout, a serious state that not only burdens your mind and body, and the quality of your work. The more you use stress reduction tactics, the more they become like a muscle — strong and usable without thinking twice. 

Used with permission from ANA Enterprise's Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™.