1 minute reading time (218 words)

Moving and Handling – Hands on!


*August 6, 2021 Update: The livestream version of this webinar has been cancelled and will no longer take place at the originally planned time of August 10, 12 pm CT. A recording remains available. Get this webinar on demand >

Join Raquel Neves, PhD MSN CRRN RN to demystify the secrets of correct and safe practice. Raquel has been a rehab nurse for nine years in three different countries. She is passionate about stroke and rehabilitation and sharing her experience with others. In this webinar she will explain what moving and handling is, where it takes place, the importance of doing it safely, and best practices.

Learning Objectives 

  • Understand the primary principles of moving and handling
  • Understand the dangers of incorrect moving and handling
  • Perform the most recommended moving and handling techniques
  • Adjust the principles of moving and handling to different settings and environments

Continuing Education (CE)

Individuals who participate in the full activity and complete the post-evaluation will receive 1.25 Nursing Contact Hours.

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The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

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