CRRN Advocacy Award

The Rehabilitation Nursing Certification Board (RNCB) is accepting applications for the CRRN Advocacy Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize healthcare organizations that advocate for certification for rehabilitation nurses, providing support to and recognition of certified staff. 

Recipients will be announced at the ARN Annual Conference in San Diego, CA and will receive a certificate. 

Organizations providing patient/client care that employ rehabilitation nurses are eligible to apply for this award. Organizations include but are not limited to inpatient rehabilitation units, long term acute care, home health care, skilled nursing, comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation centers, and health systems. A unit or division of an organization is eligible to apply. 

Please complete the application and submit it with following documents: 

  • a letter of support from a nursing administrator 
  • a narrative or description of what the facility or unit does to support, encourage, and recognize certified staff 
  • evidence that the facility/unit provide support and/or recognition in each of the four categories 

Category 1 - Support a culture of certification

Demonstrate that certification is an expectation and part of the unit/organizational culture by providing documentation of one or more of the following: 

  • CRRN certification is included in the clinical ladder/advancement program 
  • CRRN certification is indicated as required/preferred in job postings 

Acceptable documentation includes any policies or public/employee announcements related to these areas as well as copies of job postings which include certification as required/preferred. 

Category 2 - Support of initial CRRN certification 

Demonstrate support for initial certification by providing nursing stuff one or more of the following: 

  • access to exam prep materials 
  • funding for review courses 
  • funding for examination fee 
  • time off for preparation 
  • time off on day of exam 
  • other support 

Acceptable documentation includes any policies or public announcements related to these areas. 

Category 3 - Support of ongoing CRRN certification 

Demonstrate support for ongoing certification by providing nursing stuff one or more of the following: 

  • access to continuing education 
  • funding for continuing education or professional development activities 
  • funding for renewal fees 
  • time off for continuing education or professional development activities 
  • other support 

Acceptable documentation includes any policies or public/employee announcements related to these areas. 

Category 4 - Recognition of CRRNs

Demonstrate recognition of certified stuff by providing one or more of the following: 

  • name badges with certifications 
  • pay differential for certified stuff 
  • unit/facility-based recognition (ie workplace announcements, "wall of fame", recognition breakfast/luncheon/dinner) 
  • other recognition 

Acceptable documentation includes any policies related to these areas as well as copies of workplace announcements or other recognition. 

The application deadline is August 25, 2022.

Apply Now

The winner will be recognized at ARN's annual conference and on our website, and will receive a certificate to commemorate the honor.

Award Winners

2021: The Institute for Advances in Rehabilitation, Orlando Regional Medical Center/Orlando Health
institute for advances in rehabilitation Orlando Regional Medical Center


2020: Bryan Medical Center, Inpatient Rehabilitation Center
 bryan health rncb advocacy award 2020 400


2019: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Dodd Rehabilitation Hospital, Units 3 and 4 


feature cert

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