2022 Nurses Month Impact 2

ARN Celebrates Nurses Month

The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) joins the American Nurses Association (ANA) in celebrating Nurses Month this May.

Rehab Nurses Make an Impact

Your wave of impact extends further than just the patients' abilities. It carries throughout their daily lives, through their family and loved ones' lives as well.

We are taking this time to personally thank our dedicated members and everyone throughout the nursing profession for your impact. 

Ways to celebrate Nurses Month

Just for you:
Because you rock, members and non-members can enjoy one of our best-selling educational products at a discount:

Read a touching letter from the President of ARN, Jill Rye
President Jill Rye, DNP RN CRRN CNL FARN, sends a powerful message about the impact that rehab nurses make and her hopes for the organization. Read more here. 

Find freebies
USA Today found every where a Nurses Week deal can be found across the US. From Crocs to Chipotle, they have a deal for you. 

Share your pictures and appreciation:
Post a photo, greeting, fun fact, thank you, or anything you can think of on the ARN virtual bulletin to celebrate Nurses Month. Share the link on social media and also to your patients and their families.

Follow the steps below to post:

  • Double-tap or click add (+) button on the bottom right-hand corner.
  • You can add media files such as photos and images, or drag and drop your files on your post
  • Add a title and some text. Tap to Publish to post

You can also give a virtual high-five to one of your fellow nurses in our Member Spotlight. Tell us why they deserve to be highlighted not just this month, but throughout the year.

Let's get social: 
Share far and wide the message of National Nurses Month. Use the hashtag #nursesmonth and #rehabnurses and use this sticker to help spread the word. Save the sticker to your device to add as a sticker in a story or photo on Instagram or Facebook. Share and follow us on our social channels, listed below.

Let's celebrate together:
We want to celebrate your wins and victories with you. This month, we're kicking off our "Little Wins of the Week" in ARN's Open Forum, available only to members. Every Friday, we want to encourage our members to stop and celebrate a win of the week. This can be anything as small as Starbucks getting your coffee order right to a major break through with a patient. We encourage you all to share, comment, and reflect on your week!


Need anything? 
We're here for you. Email info@rehabnurse.org for any questions or getting involved. 

feature member

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