4 minutes reading time (754 words)

President’s Message: What Fills Your Cup?

2022-2023 Board of Directors President, Maria Radwanski, MSN RN CRRN FARN, pens her first letter to membership. 

Have you ever considered that we live on the third rock from a giant fireball that spins at a rate of 1,000 miles per hour as it travels 584 million miles a year around that fiery orb? And while that is happening, we have a little spot on this spinning rock that we call our own? In typical fashion, we form a community based on where we live. But just because we live close to others doesn't necessarily mean we act much like a community of connected people. Let's take a look at how we can connect as and to the community.

On this postage stamp we call home, some of us participated in the 2022 ARN Conference. This year, ARN provided a cutting-edge opportunity to our membership by hosting the first hybrid conference in the field of nursing. Participants had the option of attending virtually, in person, or both. Doing so allowed attendees to engage in a way that made the most sense for the unique needs of each participant. Whichever option chosen, those who attended had the opportunity to review case studies, hear exciting approaches to clinical problems, and identify outcomes of nursing research and strategies to improve rehabilitation nursing services and the patient experience. We laughed, we cried, we networked, and we hugged each other virtually and in person. We heard strategies to engage our nursing teams to improve resilience and decrease burnout. Each speaker and every connection helped to refill our cup. We found that while connecting, we celebrated, related, grew, and became better.

How do we continue to refill our cups? Each year there are more members and nonmembers unable to attend than those who are able to participate. This week-long event is just one of many opportunities that the ARN Board of Directors have planned to hold meaningful conversations with each of you. For communities to expand and thrive, everyone within the community has an opportunity to embrace the role that each of us has. Connecting to the ARN community is essential.

"In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it. "

​ Marianne Williamson

Throughout the coming year, there will be a variety of opportunities to network, share, and fill our cups. We hope that you will answer the invitations as they come and attend as much as you can. We can promise unique opportunities and greater use of the structure and resources that we have available. Attendance at these events is optional, certainly not mandatory, but we believe they are fruitful and worthwhile.

Consider the possibilities and opportunities to connect to the ARN Community:

Participate in a Town Hall. We will have multiple Town Halls over the coming year. Come, listen, and share your thoughts. We will be offering opportunities for positive idea exchange on a variety of topics.

Write a clinical case study for Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ). Or read an article and provide a review through Member Circle about how the information can be applied in your practice.

Share your wellness and self-care strategies. How do you take care of yourself? Share on Member Circle. I will be sharing regularly. Let's face it, nurses spend so much time taking care of everyone else; we need to fill our own cup and share how we do it with each other.

Participate and respond to Member Circle Networking questions. You've got experience and stories to share. Let's hear them!

Consider volunteering for an ARN Committee. There are many opportunities to get involved. Could you be a mentor? Would you be interested in being an item-writer for the CRRN exam? Would you like to be involved in learning more about health policy? Want to know what policy issues are affecting rehabilitation nursing practice? These are just a few examples of the opportunities. If you have questions about the time involved, ask. Most committees require a limited time commitment each month. Professionally and personally, I can tell you I have received much more than I have given with each opportunity I raised my hand for.

Plan a conversation. I am very interested in meaningful conversations. Please feel free to reach out to me and any member of the ARN Board of Directors. We would love to hear from you.

Connecting to the ARN Community is essential. ARN fills my cup. How will you respond?

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2023 Annual Conference

Presented both virtually and in-person at the Rhode Island Providence Convention Center in Providence, Rhode Island, we look forward to sharing more information with you about the speakers, presentations, and more.

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